Understanding What You Offer to the World Makes it Easier For Others To Hire You


Understanding What You Offer to the World Makes it Easier For Others To Hire You

by Anita Charlot

Listen to Understanding What You Offer to the World Makes it Easier For Others To Hire You:

Gaining clarity on who your target market is and recognizing your work will sometimes cause you to have to reintroduce yourself to those that knew the old you and those that have yet to meet you.

At the end of 2022, I updated my speaking topics, increased my prices, and stopped doing things that no longer fit the woman that I am becoming. So, with the brand website refresh, book speaking engagements for Q1 already lined up, and over 75 podcast episodes of The Happy Executive Woman™ under my belt, I am reintroducing myself to you.

I am Anita Charot, the Corporate Metaphysician, and creator of The Happy Executive Woman Podcast™, hired by powerful women of color who needs to heal from corporate trauma, increase their confidence and improve their leadership skills.

I also train and consult with dynamic organizations to strategically create sustainable and conscious DEI programs. Since 1999, I have been a highly sought-after coach for high-performing women that are ready to learn how to identify and attract the spirit of the person that is perfectly imperfect for them in the areas of dating, relationships, and marriage.

So tune in to the episode as I share with you my corporate signature topics and my relationship signature topics and how to connect with me for the different things that I have to offer for you inside.

Have you taken my free video training, “Can He Handle Your Grind?” Girl, what are you waiting for? It is not just for single women; it’s also for women already in a relationship or married. Click here to access the training. Once inside, you will understand why you can’t seem to attract the right one, how you woke up one day and realized you married the wrong one and what you can do about it.

What You Learn:

  • Who I am and what I do going forward
  • Why being clear on you and your mission statement can make you more hireable
  • My corporate and relationship signature topics I will be offering in the new year
  • How I can help you be the best executive woman in all areas of life in 2023!

Featured on the Show:


As an Executive Coach for Women, Professional Speaker, Corporate Metaphysician™, Author of The 5 Phases of Dating – The Grown-Ass Woman’s Guide to Attracting and Maintaining Authentic Relationships, and the Creator of The Happy Executive Woman™…

Anita teaches women of color how to heal from past relationships and corporate trauma, increase their confidence and improve their leadership skills.

She is a board member of the Women Impact Network and Women In Technology, where she focuses on coordinating and creating professional development training for the members.

Anita also coaches White allies on how to ACTivate Your Privilege!™ and is hired to speak and train as The Corporate Metaphysician™ at organizations willing to begin reversing corporate America’s trauma by taking an honest look at their “unconscious DEI efforts,” all using practical and metaphysical concepts.

Recently featured in…

  • ValientCEO Magazine!
  • Speaker’s Magazine

For all coaching, media, or consulting inquiries, don’t hesitate to contact Anita at https://anitacharlot.com/contact.

To learn more about how to partner with Anita, go to https://anitacharlot.com/services.

To join the waiting list for the upcoming For My Black and Brown Sisters monthly membership community, go to bit.ly/formyblackandbrownsisters

Episode Transcript

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