Candid Conversations with Phenomenal Executive Women: Dawn Kristin Ellison, Part 1


Candid Conversations with Phenomenal Executive Women: Dawn Kristin Ellison, Part 1

by Anita Charlot

Listen to Candid Conversations with Phenomenal Executive Women: Dawn Kristin Ellison, Part 1:

Hello, beautiful! This week on the show, we have a wonderful conversation with the phenomenal Dawn Kristin Ellison.

Dawn Kristin Ellison is a certified Life Mastery Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Belief Clearing Practitioner, Amazon #1 Best Selling Author, and Speaker. She is the founder and CEO of EVOLVE Life Mastery, Mother, and free-spirited lover of life!

This Los Angeles native created EVOLVE Life Mastery in 2019, with the mission to become one of the world’s most respected and sought-out life coaching sources. Her vision and mission are to awaken the masses globally, teaching reprogramming of the subconscious mind, aligning with personal truth, and responsibly manifesting the desired life, while strengthening spiritual practices.

Dawn connects, coaches, and mentors people of all walks of life, one-on-one and in group settings. She hosts classes and workshops that are invaluable to those that attend as they are given tips, tools, and techniques they can apply to all areas of life.

Dawn uses her platform @EVOLVELifeMastery to focus on inspiration and positivity through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. She is also currently earning her Doctorate in Metaphysical Sciences through the University of Metaphysics. She believes that when you awaken, you begin to become more aware of the gifts, talents, and messages you’re to share with the world, and that the route to true happiness and fulfillment is not just knowing your truth but embracing and appreciating the journey that leads you to that truth!

Do you feel like you’re always running? Like you can’t find time for the simplest things like self-care, grooming, or even quality time with your partner? As an executive woman with purpose and on a mission, you might feel like this all of the time. Several years ago when I realized that I didn’t have enough time for self-care or a relationship, I decided to determine where all of my energy was going. I created an energy wheel and followed a process that allowed me to see exactly where I was spending my energy. Once I knew where the energy was going, I gave myself permission to determine what really needed my attention, what I could cut back on, and what I could get rid of, if not forever, at least for the time being. And that’s what I want to give you, the gift of clarity with a side of permission. Follow this link to my free relationship energy wheel course and worksheet, and stop feeling like you’re all over the place. Reclaim your time and your energy today.

What You Learn:

  • Dawn’s journey to founding EVOLVE and her ‘why’ in doing so
  • How your painful truth will lead you into your powerful truth
  • The metaphysical journey for both Anita and Dawn
  • Dawn’s three careers and how each led her to where she is today!

Featured on the Show:

Episode Transcript

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